
MAAT Golden Ratio Search - Pencarian Wajah Proporsional Pertama di Asia


Pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2017 minggu lalu, aku menghadiri acara Merz Aesthetics, yaitu perusahaan penyedia UltherapyTM, teknologi ultrasound untuk perawatan kecantikan non-bedah yang dapat mengencangkan kulit, dan juga telah lolos uji FDA. Kali ini Merz Aesthetics melangsungkan ajang MAAT Golden Ratio Search, dalam rangka memberikan informasi dan pemahaman kepada para wanita tentang proporsi dan daya tarik wajah serta merupakan bagian dari ajang peluncuran pedoman medis pertama yang membahas pendekatan holistik perawatan kecantikan wajah proporsional di Asia.

MAAT Golden Ratio Search akan berlangsung hingga tanggal 30 September 2017 di 10 negara di Asia, termasuk Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Taiwan, Thailand, dan Vietnam. 

Pencarian the Golden Ratio yang dilakukan di 10 negara ini menunjukkan bahwa wajah proporsional tidak memandang suku ataupun batas geografis, sebagaimana General Manager Merz Indonesia, Ricardo Manaloto mengatakan, "Setiap orang memiliki pendapat pribadi yang berbeda-beda tentang kecantikan wajah. MAAT Golden Ratio Search menggunakan ilmu pengukuran untuk menciptakan kesadaran publik bahwa ratio simetri wajah juga merupakan bagian dari kecantikan. Wanita yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang proporsi dan bentuk wajah akan mampu menyesuaikan penampilan wajahnya sehingga cocok dengan dirinya."

Pakar Dermatolog dan juga Juri MAAT Golden Ratio Search, Dr. Adri Dwi Prasetyo, Sp.KK menjelaskan, "MAAT Golden Ratio Search menggunakan model dan rasio matematis untuk menghitung proporsi dan daya tarik wajah. Dengan teknik Golden Ratio, akan membantu para ahli estetik untuk menghitung proporsi wajah dan menentukan treatment apa yang dibutuhkan seperti filler, botulinum toxin, dan yang terbaru adalah UltherapyTM, sehingga menghasilkan wajah yang cantik serta juga terlihat proporsional dan simetris."

Pakar Estetik, Dr. Kevin Mahiris menambahkan, "Banyak treatment kecantikan yang selama ini ditawarkan untuk membuat wajah menjadi lebih terlihat proporsional, misalnya mengubah bentuk dagu, rahang dan tulang pipi yang optimal. Untuk menghindari hasil yang tidak proporsional dengan bentuk wajah, formula Goden Ratio dapat membantu para ahli estetika untuk membentuk wajah yang proporsional."

Pakar kecantikan Affi Assegaf mengatakan, "Penting bagi seseorang untuk mengetahui proporsi dan bentuk wajahnya, agar dapat menentukan serta menyesuaikan penampilan yang cocok dengan wajahnya, mulai dari gaya rambut maupun make-up".

Ajang pencarian wajah proporsional MAAT Golden Ratio Search ini terbuka untuk wanita berusia diatas 21 tahun yang berdomisili di Indonesia. Kandidat yang ingin berpartisipasi dapat mengunggah foto pribadi sesuai ketentuan di www.goldenratiosearch.com. Seluruh kandidat akan dinilai berdasarkan proporsi wajah - yaitu berdasarkan The Golden Ratio (rasio panjang dan lebar wajah), proporsi horizontal wajah, dan simetri wajah - yang dinilai oleh empat orang juri yang terdiri dari pakar medis dan kecantikan, yaitu Dr. Adri Dwi Prasetyo, Sp.KK (Dermatolog), Dr. Kevin Mahiris (Dokter estetik), Affi Assegaf (Pakar kecantikan), Ricardo Manaloto (General Manager, Merz Indonesia) mewakili Merz Aesthetics selaku penyelenggaraan ajang "MAAT Golden Ratio Search". Keempat juri tersebut akan menentukan 12 kandidat dengan wajah proporsional untuk di-voting (10%) di Facebook Golden Ratio Search Indonesia dan Instagram @GoldenRatioSearchID pada tanggal 7 hingga 14 Oktober 2017.

Kandidat yang terpilih dengan wajah paling proporsional akan berkumpul bersama dalam pengumuman dan acara pembukaan 38TH Annual Meeting of the International Society for Dermatological Surgery (ISDS) pada bulan November 2017. Kandidat terpilih yang mewakili Indonesia akan mendapatkan uang saku sebesar US$3,000. Ajang pencarian ini akan berakhir pada tanggal 30 September 2017.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai MAAT Golden Ratio Search, bisa cek di Goden Ratio Search dan www.merz.com.



[REVIEW] SOLUSI Organic Renewage Skincare by Martha Tilaar


Natural beauty and young looking skin will always be on trend for every women in any ages. However, as we are getting older, our skin will not be the same as ten years before. There must be unwanted fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots as well as dull skin. Therefore, we as a women mostly rely on skincare or beauty treatments.

If we talk about the skincare, there are a lot of skincare products available in the market. But for me personally, I would always go for organic skincare products. Why? Simply because our skin is the largest living organ, what goes on our skin eventually goes into our body. So we absolutely don't want to put the skincare products that contain toxins and chemical that suffocate the skin in the future.

Martha Tilaar Group as one of the local cosmetic and skincare company that promotes natural and green life, they released 'SOLUSI' Organic Renewage Skincare which has been certificated ECOCERT and become the first skincare products in Indonesia with natural, safe and organic compounds. Not only it contains all natural and organic ingredients, the packaging also made with eco-friendly products, and still looks modern and luxury, isn't?

One of key ingredients in SOLUSI is grape seed oil orginated from Bali, it has amount of antioxidant properties, as well as vit E and vit C, to boost the collagen production on the skin. It also contains licorice extract that is mostly used to brighten the dull skin. With all those powerful properties, SOLUSI claimed as "Everysecond Organic Anti Aging Solution".

There are 5 variants of SOLUSI Organic Renewage Skincare Series; Face Wash, Face Cleanser, Face Toner, Moisture Lotion and Night Cream.

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Cleanser

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Cleanser comes in green bottle with luxury copper colour cap, you can press down the cap and get the content. The content is creamy, similar to milk cleanser. I normally used this for face and neck by tap on 5 dots on the face, then gently rub it with massaging motion, after that just take out the residu with cotton pad. The light and natural formula in this face cleanser makes my skin feeling clean, fresh, soft and supple afterwards.

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Wash

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Wash comes in a green tube with copper colour cap that can be used by squeezing the content. The content is creamy but a bit watery. Mix it with water to make a slight foamy then apply it gently on the face with massaging motion until the face fully cleansed, then rinsed with chill water.

This face wash doesn't make a lot of foams as regular face wash, because this doesn't contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), one of the ingredients which can make a lot of foams, also can cause irritation to the eyes and sensitive skin.

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Toner

After the cleansing, its time to double cleansed with a toner and prepare the skin for the next skincare step. SOLUSI Organic Renewage Face Toner comes in a bottle similar with the face cleanser. The content is watery with intense grape seed oil smell. Just like a normal toner, pour the content into cotton pad and dab on face and neck. I love how it makes my skin refreshed, smooth and supple afterwards. This face toner doesn't contain any alcohol so its safe to be used for all skin types even the sensitive ones.

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Moisture Lotion

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Moisture Lotion comes in a pump bottle, it has a light texture which is easily absorbed into the skin. I normally used this in the morning for face and neck by tap on 5 dots on the face, then gently blend it. It makes my skin super moist without feeling sticky at all. Due to its SPF content, this moisture lotion can cause a bit oily on the face after several hours, so for those who has oily skin, its better to use just a small amount.

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Night Cream

SOLUSI Organic Renewage Night Cream comes in a small jar, it has a creamy texture and perfectly melts onto my skin, making it easy to blend and quickly absorbed. For me, night cream is one of the important step of skincare regime, it helps to regenerate and hydrate my skin while sleeping. In result, I woke up with a moist, smooth and supple skin in the morning.

On my overall review, I love these ranges of SOLUSI Organic Renewage skincare cause its very gentle on my skin, doesn't cause any breakout on my face. Although I just used this in short period of time and not notice a huge different, I believe in using this regularly can prevent the early aging also making my skin looking way healthier, bright and clear - cause its 17.5% organic, 99.5% natural origin, vegan, paraben free, mineral oil free, no animal testing, cruelty free, environmentally friendly, and HALAL.

Once again, thank you Marta Tilaar Group and Sociolla for the opportunity to try SOLUSI Organic Renewage Skincare Series. For those of you who wants to try these, you can browse through Sociolla page HERE and get discount IDR 50.000,- by using my discount code SBNLA9W7 with a minimum purchase of IDR 250.000,-.



Seleksi Desainer Indonesia (ORBIT)


Pada hari Jumat, tepatnya tanggal 11 Agustus 2017, aku bersama blogger lainnya berkesempatan menghadiri acara Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (BeKraf) Republik Indonesia beserta program inspiratifnya - 'ORBIT'. Pada malam itu kita bersama-sama menyaksikan ajang seleksi desainer Indonesia, menampilkan kegiatan audisi dan pemilihan 20 finalis desainer muda bertalenta yang bertempat di Ballroom, Hotel Alila Pecenonangan, Jakarta.

'ORBIT' merupakan sebuah wahana/program yang diprakarsai oleh BEKRAF yangmana nantinya menjadi akan wadah bagi para desainer muda Indonesia bertalenta untuk tumbuh berkembang secara maksimal melalui program pengembangan kapasitas secara berkelanjutan sehingga dapat berkontribusi kepada bangsa dan negara melalui profesinya, serta menjadi desainer masa depan yang dapat mendorong perkembangan ekonomi kreatif Indonesia. 

Pada malam itu, salah satu kurator ORBIT, Hastjarjo Boedi Wibowo menjelaskan bahwa FINAL ORBIT terseleksi 20 desainer terpilih dari 450 aplikan dari berbagai daerah di bidang arsitektur, desain interior, desain komunikasi visual, desain fashion, desain tata cahaya, desain produk, desain tekstil, kriya dan lansekap. ORBIT sendiri juga mempunyai tim panitia yang berkompeten di bidangnya, antara lain Mochammad Refrajaya (Desainer Interior), Mizan Allah De Neve (Desainer Produk), Nuniek Mawardi (Desainer Fashion), Arief Budiman (Desainer Komunikasi Visual) dan Eko Prawoto (Arsitek) dan juga para tim kurator seperti Francis Surjaseputra (Desainer Interior), I. Hastjarjo Boedi Wibowo ( Desainer Komunikasi Visual), Ali Charisma (Desainer Fashion), Andrie Trisaksono (Desainer Produk), Muhammad Sagita (Arsitek) dan Kahfiati Kahdar (Desainer Tekstil). 

Untuk para peserta ORBIT ini, adapun ketentuan dan persyaratannya yaitu para peminat dapat melakukan pendaftaran dan pengunggahan dokumen dari karya peserta dengan batas waktu tanggal 31 Mei 2017, yang kemudian dilakukan kurasi Tahap I yaitu pemilihan 30 orang Nominator Desainer oleh Tim Kurator dan setelah itu Nominator Desainer terpilih diberikan waktu selama 6 minggu untuk membuat mock-up/dummy dengan subsidi biaya pembuatan/penyempurnaan maket. Kemudian nominator desainer terpilih akan diundang ke Jakarta untuk menjalani kurasi Tahap II dan setelah itu Penetapan 20 Desainer terpilih oleh Tim Kurator di Jakarta yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 10-11 Agustus di Hotel Alila Pecenongan. Untuk sebagian karya dari desainer terpilih ini, dapat dilihat pada gambar bertikut. 

Dalam akhir kata sambutannya, Bapak Triawan Munaf berharap ORBIT dapat menumbuh-kembangkan para desainer muda berbakat yang dapat berkompetisi dengan para desainer dari berbagai negara dan dapat mendorong perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia, "Sebagaimana harapan Presiden RI bahwa ekonomi kreatif harus jadi tulang punggung ekonomi Indonesia".



[REVIEW] NIVEA Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover And Make Up Clear Micellar Water


For me, the first and most important step of skincare is all about cleansing. The cleansing products that I used, are depends on whether I'm wearing full-face makeup, light makeup, or no makeup. If I'm wearing full-face makeup using waterproof mascara, falsies and lipstick, I used to use eye and lip makeup remover, followed by micellar water. On the other hand, if I'm only wearing light and natural makeup such as cushion and lip tint, I only used micellar water. And if I'm not wearing makeup at all, I simply wash my face with cleansing foam, and double cleansed with toner.

This time, had a privilege to get #CleansedbyNIVEA with the duo cleansing products from NIVEA; Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover and Make Up Clear Micellar Water.

From the name itself NIVEA Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover, I expect this has double power to remove the makeup, and YASSS I'm quite impressed with how quick it removes my waterproof eyeliner, lipstick and mascara in a single swipe without leaving any makeup residu and greasy feeling. The bi-phase formula and cornflower extract inside it claimed to safely protect the sensitive eye area and lips, my skin ends up feeling really moist and supple.

1. Gently shake NIVEA Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover
2. Pour the content in a cotton pad
3. Tap on the eye and lip for about 3 seconds, then swipe it outwards

Then moving on to NIVEA Make Up Clear Micellar Water. As I said earlier, I used to use micellar water basically for a light or natural makeup. For the waterproof makeup, you still can use this NIVEA Make Up Clear Micellar Water but don't forget to double cleanse it, to ensure there is no makeup residu left on the skin. What I love the most about this product, the formula is really light and gentle, it doens't dries out my skin, instead it perfectly moisturizes and gives a refreshing sensation afterwards.

1. Pour NIVEA Make Up Clear Micellar Water in a cotton pad
2. Tap on the skin with a slight massaging motion, then swipe it
3. Repeat the steps after the skin perfectly cleansed

I would definitely recommend you to try NIVEA Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover and Make Up Clear Micellar Water as daily makeup remover. The formula is very light and gentle for the sensitive skin, but powerful enough to remove the makeup without leaving any makeup residu that somehow triggers even more skin problems.

Last but not least, thanks to NIVEA and Sociolla for the opportunity trying out NIVEA Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover and Make Up Clear Micellar Water. For those of you who wants to try NIVEA products, you can browse through Sociolla page HERE and get discount IDR 50.000,- by using my discount code SBNLA9W7 with a minimum purchase of IDR 250.000,-.
